Kitchen countertops design trends 2017


The kitchen is the heart of the house and our favourite place to meet friends and family. For these reasons, we don’t want it to become obsolete. The perfect excuse to have a new kitchen is now that spring is coming, creating a new kitchen that is beautiful and highly functional. If you have decided that this year is the time for an update, here are some of the main kitchen design trends for 2017 that can provide a wonderful inspiration for kitchen remodelling this year.

Part of the creation of an elegant and functional kitchen, creating a more aesthetically pleasing work area, is the new tendency to hide appliances. Homeowners and designers now have a wide range of options when it comes to choosing appliances that are specifically designed to blend perfectly with the rest of the kitchen. There are several options in the market for the integration of devices without problems, from personalized finishes to match the cabinets of sizes and shapes that allow appliances to be incorporated into kitchen islands.

Another of the most successful trends this year is the kitchen island. With the kitchen well established as the main meeting place in the home, the kitchen island is becoming its most important feature to accommodate cooking, socialization and eating. Therefore, larger kitchen islands will be a tendency to consider, as they replace the need for formal dining rooms and dining tables and chairs.

Finally, sustainability will continue to prosper as a top trend for kitchen designs in 2017. The main ways to achieve sustainable kitchen designs include lighting, efficient appliances A +, A ++. LED lighting is becoming popular in particular to achieve eco-friendly kitchen designs that are beautiful and functional. This type of lighting not only provides lighting for work areas, but also adds ambient lighting that creates a comfortable environment and makes the design more prominent.

In addition to LED lighting and energy efficient appliances, cabinets and countertops made of natural materials will continue to reign as better design options. Homeowners and designers are looking for cabinets made of wood, and countertops made of natural stone or other surfaces made of renewable resources or recycled elements.

Hergon Stone Art & Design can help owners and designers incorporate these trends into their kitchen designs with our wide selection of quality stone products. Take a look and start enjoying marble, granite, silestone, and other types of natural stone and surfaces in our materials section. Or send a contact form and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

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¿Es más fuerte el mármol o el granito?

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¿Cuál es el precio del granito?

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