Our services in natural stone work


At Hergon Stone, we have well defined sections in which we offer high quality services for all our clients, since we have been working for the most demanding clients for more than a decade and carrying out works of great complexity and great scope. Here are the services we offer in detail:


Everything starts in some way, and once the commercial management with the client are finished, we are ready to create your order with the most avant-garde softwares, which allow us to create each project with a precision to the millimeter, being able to represent each project from its beginning until its final export. It does not matter the quantity of elements that each design contains, as well as the fusion between them with the different materials chosen by our client, as we have the latest machinery and professional operators who promise and offer an optimal finish to all jobs in natural stone to be presented to us.


This process is very important for when the client wishes to see how his project could look once it is finished and placed, because it allows to see the project through computer renderings, in different angles and contrasts, as well as sketches and sketches on paper, in the that can be devised or nuanced other possible ways of designing the project. As far as the virtual view is concerned, it is very important to have the most powerful softwares, since this allows to show the client the various nuances of the project, possible changes in textures, materials, sizes, shapes, whether rosettes, columns, capitals … An endless number of previous configurations that will help the client to see their work completed before doing it and having it finished.



Once the design has been stored in the database, we go directly to the machine, and through the operating system of the machine itself the saved project is searched, it may be possible to add some data such as the hardness or characteristics of the material, taking into account the type of cut you want to obtain since it can vary from the grossest, to the most defined, since the edges of the cut are clean and without imperfections. All this will depend on the utility that you want to give to the pieces, shapes or places where they will be placed.



To obtain optimal results, it is necessary that all the pieces fit perfectly, thus creating the illusion that everything is part of the same piece, perfect, polished and without any delimiting mark that could damage the finish of the project, when you ask us for works of pavement rosettes, all this is taken into account, thus offering an exceptional finish. The surface finish of a material also defines its final use. Bush hammered tiles, aged or flamed, are perfect for outdoor paving. While smooth or polished surfaces such as rosettes and smooth tiles are ideal for interiors, giving a bright and luminous effect to the environments. Taking into account that surfaces are going to use the different materials, we can create very modern and classic environments, the designs and compositions have no measure, we offer a wide variety of combinations, advising our customers the most appropriate materials and forms in each case.


Once the project is finished, we pack it with the greatest security and protection, so that when they arrive at their destination, they do not suffer any damage and arrive in perfect conditions for their subsequent placement. Using approved transport materials for this purpose. We send our orders to any part of the world, because we have a lot of experience in making international exports, and more and more our presence is noticeable in much of the world, our jobs and customers support us.

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Responsable: HERGÓN STONE, SL.; Finalidad: Atender su solicitud y enviarle comunicaciones comerciales; Legitimación: Ejecución de un contrato, consentimiento del interesado; Destinatarios: No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal; Derechos: Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, indicados en la información adicional, que puede ejercer dirigiéndose a admin@hergonstone.com o Apdo. de correos 231 – 03600 Elda (Alicante); Procedencia: El propio interesado; Información adicional: www.hergonstone.com/rgpd.