The natural stone with other materials


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Natural stone is one of the elements with the most interesting properties for interior and exterior coverings, depending on the type of stone and the chosen finish, it adapts to both rustic or classic styles, as ultra-modern, it creates a feeling of comfort, elegance and even becomes a luxury difficult to match, since it blends perfectly with any other material, both with wood, glass or metals.


That is why at Hergon Stone we believe in the good symbiosis of all materials, as long as all are of long-lasting durability.

Our creations such as natural stone and propositions lead us in most cases to unite, intertwine, and combine certain materials to achieve very striking compositions, using colours and shapes that make a sublime set, always pointing towards desires and interests of our clients, although we usually advise previously, since what we are always looking for is a satisfied end customer, who can show off their stays and that their guests feel very comfortable with the environment achieved with our creations and designs. We can combine modern design with more classic natural stone designs, as well as elements in various materials that combine perfectly with the final design.

Therefore, if what you need is to renew any of the rooms of your home, local or business, create a distinguished, unique, cosy atmosphere, a place where your guests or visitors remember and talk about it, don´t hesitate to contact us. We will offer you many possibilities, and we will adjust them until you come up with the idea that forms an exceptional work. To contact us you can click on the following link, or look for our contact channels at the bottom of this page. We wait for you!



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Responsable: HERGÓN STONE, SL.; Finalidad: Atender su solicitud y enviarle comunicaciones comerciales; Legitimación: Ejecución de un contrato, consentimiento del interesado; Destinatarios: No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal; Derechos: Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, indicados en la información adicional, que puede ejercer dirigiéndose a o Apdo. de correos 231 – 03600 Elda (Alicante); Procedencia: El propio interesado; Información adicional: